Treating RSI symptoms can be very difficult. There isn’t one obvious treatment for RSI although some specific RSI conditions, e.g. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, do have recognised medical solutions.
The standard medical treatment for RSI is:
A combination of the above treatments, possibly coupled with resting the affected area may alleviate your RSI symptoms but treatment is much more likely to be successful if you examine the working conditions or leisure activities that triggered the RSI symptoms in the first place
But as with most medicines, the use of drugs to treat RSI can be counterproductive. e.g. painkillers can mask long term damage you may be doing and some sedatives can be addictive
Your doctor may refer you to a physio who will give you exercises to loosen your joints and strengthen your muscles in the affected area.
Identifying the cause of your RSI symptoms and altering your behaviour can be the biggest factor in overcoming RSI. Things that may help are: